“Barrister” Blue Gin is made according to the original British recipe by mixing two aromatic alcohols – cardamom and orange. Gin is served alone and with the addition of tonic. To create an aromatic drink based on “Barrister” Blue Gin, put crushed ice in a glass and add it with mint leaves, lemon slices, sprigs of rosemary or blueberries.
The colour of Barrister Blue Gin is made of mixing two aromatic spirits: orange and cardamom. Barrister” Blue Gin is made according to the original British recipe by mixing two aromatic alcohols – cardamom and orange. Gin is served alone and with the addition of tonic. To create an aromatic drink based on “Barrister” Blue Gin, put crushed ice in a glass and add it with mint leaves, lemon slices, sprigs of rosemary or blueberries.
Each brand has its secret. A secret of Barrister gin is a separate distillation of aromatic spirits.
To accentuate herbal aroma and flavor of Barrister gin, aromatic spirits are made from each ingredient and then the mixed in special proportions in accordance with the old English recipe.
Only natural ingredients are used for production: juniper, lemon peel, coriander, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, angelica, anise.
Barrister is an exceptionally smooth gin which needs no arguments to win!
Dry Gin – A slight vanilla influence, with only a subtle juniper and lemon peel influence. Not the most complex and rich. Hint of pepper too.
Barrister Pink Gin is a new product, that was launched to the market in the beginning of the year 2017. In order to emphasize the taste and aroma of herbs in the Barrister’s formula, the aromatic spirits are first produced from each ingredient separately, and then blended according to the classic English recipe: juniper berry, fresh lemon peel, coriander, cinnamon, caraway, anise and cardamom. The colour of Barrister PINK Gin is made of edition to the main recipe the delicate distillate of fresh wild strawberry. Developed specially for GIN TONIC cocktail variations. Great aromatic experience is worth tasting! Only natural ingredients are used for production of this New Gin edition!